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Dosha Quiz Inside!

Discover Your Path to Holistic Health in Just 30 Days!

Unlock the Ancient Wisdom of Ayurveda with Our Guided Journal

Discover Balance, Embrace Vitality:
Your Key to Wellness


  • Exploring ways to boost your energy and feel better overall.

  • Finding practices to help you feel more energetic every day for next 30 days

  • Learning how Ayurveda, yoga, and meditation can help you feel your best.

  • Understanding your body better and improving your health.

Introducing the...

Sankalpa sutra:

ayurvedic Journey to

holistic welbeing

Do you have BIG dreams for your health?

Are you dreaming of the day when all your symptoms fade away, and living a life of vibrant well-being becomes your reality?

Are you feeling like you're caught in a whirlwind, barely finding a moment to catch your breath, let alone working towards those essential healthy habits that you know would transform your life?

Are you waiting for “someday” to take the first step towards feeling healthy?

You know that “someday” never truly arrives, much like “tomorrow.” Why postpone your well-being any longer when you can initiate positive change today?

Imagine starting your journey of nourishment and rejuvenation, reclaiming your health from the grasp of symptoms, discomfort, and fatigue.

This journal is meticulously crafted to be your partner in this transformative journey.

Curious about Ayurveda and its healing wisdom's potential? Don't worry there is a section in the journal providing you with a concise introduction to this holistic healing approach, guiding you toward a deeper understanding of how it can enhance your well-being.

This journal will be guiding you through daily reflections, empowering you to embrace nourishing habits and releasing what no longer serves you. Helping with your Self-Healing mindset approach to health and wellness

Within these pages, you will be discovering the power of intention setting and gratitude practices, shaping a holistic approach to well-being.

The included weekly recipes provide a tasty path to nutritional vitality, aligning with your unique needs.

The Food&Mood, and Elimination Journals offer a space for tracking your progress, illuminating patterns and insights that foster mindful choices. This self-awareness journey is guiding you to nourish your body and soul in harmony.

Daily journaling prompts thoughtfully curated for introspection, is empowering you to take meaningful steps.

And with the Doshic Assessment, you are gaining a deeper understanding of your constitution, offering valuable insights for tailored well-being practices.

As you start on a 30-day Healing Journey you will begin engaging with your body, mind, and spirit, and paving the way for a more healthful existence.

Through this journal you will be cultivating Achievable actions that align with your Desired Health Goals. In this space, goals become tangible steps, not distant wishes.

No more "someday." No more waiting for "tomorrow." The journey to your Optimal Well-Being Starts NOW!

Embrace this journal, your partner in transformation, and seize the opportunity to thrive in your body, mind, and spirit.

Included Inside!

-Introduction to Ayurveda E-Book

-Daily Self Reflective Prompts

-Weekly Recipes

-Food n' Mood Chart

-Elimination Chart

-Daily Actions Tracker

+PLUS Discover Your Dosha Assessment Chart!!!

Meet Sara McPhee

From Health Challenges to Triumphs, Let Her Inspire Your Journey

The Sankalpa Sutra emerged as my personal fusion of practices.

As an Ayurvedic Health Counselor, Reiki Master, and Meditation Teacher, I'm deeply passionate about self-healing.

After using the very methods found within this journal myself, I triumphed over ovarian cancer, PCOS, and severe digestive issues.

My journey to well-being began by understanding my digestive system, leading to the Food&Mood and Elimination Journal.

Mindful practices birthed Mindfulness Prompts for Journaling.

Guided by these insights, I discovered four transformative Healing Recipes for Gut and Digestion.

This journal isn't just a tool; it's my ally in daily well-being. By sharing it with you, I offer a chance to manifest abundant health in your own life.

Let's start on this journey together, harnessing the power of holistic healing. Your path to Optimal Health starts NOW.


Exclusive Expert Support Workshop

Elevating your healing experience with a bonus invitation to join an expert-led workshop. Immerse yourself in a comprehensive session that delves deeper into the wisdom of Ayurveda. Maximize your transformation by gaining personalized insights and guidance from the author herself, making your wellness journey all the more enlightening and effective.

Personalized Ayurvedic Course Video

Gain invaluable insights with a bonus video directly from the author's personal Online Ayurvedic Course. Discover how to enhance the accuracy of your Doshic Assessment within the journal by learning to recognize your constitution. This expert guidance will empower you to align your well-being practices with your unique needs, fostering a more profound and personalized healing experience

BONUS #3 Private Community Access:

Join a thriving community of fellow wellness seekers as a bonus! Connect, share, and learn from like-minded individuals on a similar journey. Swap stories, insights, and tips while enjoying a supportive network of individuals dedicated to holistic well-being. Together, you'll celebrate successes and overcome challenges, making your healing journey all the more enriching.

So what's the secret?

They Took the PAGE STRATEGIES course

I've been honored to have had the opportunity to help some of 

the leaders in the online marketing space:



Rachel Miller is my go-to resource when it comes to growing my Facebook™ audience FAST. With real-world success and story after story of people starting from complete scratch to a thriving, engaged audience, there is nobody better to show you how to do the same... no matter what market you're in.



Rachel is the real deal and her strategies are simple, straight forward, brilliant and won’t get your Facebook™ account banned for shenanigans! I just crossed 1 million fans last week after adding another 42k fans during those 7 days with 875k video views. Rachel had a LOT to do with that!



I took Rachel's course. It was amazing. She loves seeing results in her attendees and her knowledge is like no one elses' when it comes to Facebook™. For me, my pages were stuck in a cycle a cycle that was good three years ago. By learning some new strategies and changing up the types of content that we were publishing brought a lot of life back to it (my pages).

Now it's your turn.

Are you ready to grow your audience FAST? If so, I'm super excited to share all my insights with you! That's why I developed the FB Page Strategies Course!! It's simply the best way to help you quickly build an audience of raving fans.


If you're a Facebook Page (or Group) owner...

If you're a blogger who wants more eyeballs on your content...

OR... you're a CEO who wants an audience of raving fans...

OR... you're an expert or influencer who wants to transform your "brick and mortar" audience into a highly engaged online audience...

OR... you're a stay-at-home mom who wants to bring in some side income...

OR... you're a small business owner who wants awareness of your products...

OR... you're a coach who wants MASSIVE influence...

OR... you're an agency looking to help other businesses grow their audience...

You're the reason FB Page Strategies exists.


But What if YOU DON'T Build an Audience?

It's like shouting out your window to a passersby, asking them to purchase

It's putting on a show - to an empty theater, in the wrong part of town


It is hosting a party and no one showing up (or worse, bad dinner guests)


Total Value of The Ayurvedic Healing Journal: $29.97


Act fast! You deserve to start feeling great today!


Use our Journal for the whole month and if you aren't feeling better in your body, mind, and spirit let us know and we will refund your entire purchase.

We want you to achieve lasting health!!  And we know this works.

Email us if you have questions:  giveblessingco@gmail.com

© 2024 Sara Jean McPhee   |    Give Blessing CO.

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